Loves Football

Trial space booked

Welcome to Loves Football!

I hope your little one is excited about the trial as I am 🙂
You are bound to have looooooads of questions, so scroll down to get started...
(P.S. Don't forget to come back to this page after each step)

1 - We're on trial, not your child!

This is for your child to decide if they enjoy the session, not for us to decide if we want them to join Loves Football.
N.B. We might recommend another session if we think it is better suited for them

2 - Save our number on WhatsApp

Seriously, my 80 year old Mum is on it... so hit us up! - James
*she still thinks there is a 5p charge per emoji she sends 🙂

3 - Check your emails

You should have a booking confirmation with the address of the venue and the date of your first session.
Sadly, quite a few parents assume they know the address and end up in the wrong place or at a locked gate. The correct address is on the booking confirmation
(If you haven't received it, then ping us a message on WhatsApp)

4 - Follow our Telegram channel

"Oh, I didn't see the email"
Yup, we've all been there!
We post all kinds of stuff on Telegram so follow us and you won't miss out any of the good stuff 🙂

- No chit-chat
- New sessions
- Important session info
- Key dates

(P.S. It's a bit like WhatsApp, but without all the ping ping ping ping...)

5 - Follow us on social media

Be the first to hear about our events, new football teams AND maybe you'll spot your child as one of our 'Stars of the Week' 😉

6 - Sharing is caring

Pretty please!
We're a small family business and your support means the world to us 🙂
Most of our bookings come from referrals...

7- Let us know how you get on!!!

We never offer a trial space if there isn't space to join the group on an ongoing basis.
So, the space is yours if you want it. You don't need to rebook...
... but do let us know how you get on 🙂

8 - What footwear / clothing do you need?

All our venues differ slightly... please take some time to understand what footwear & clothing your child needs.
You would be surprised how many children arrive at our indoor sessions with football boots on, or dressed in gardening kneepads! - James

9 - Bookmark our 'Knowledge Centre' page

Other than next week's lottery numbers...
…pretty much every question we have been asked is on there 🙂
We’ll do our best to answer on WhatsApp, but you are likely to get a much quicker answer on this page

10 - Follow our YouTube skills channel

This has been carefully put together for kids to learn skills in a chronological order.
i.e. they are all in a set order so each skill group 'layers' on top of the previous ones. Clever, eh?
Your kids can work through these at home their leisure 🙂
> Head to our YouTube channel
> Videos
> Grading videos (start with #1 and work your way up!)

11 - Download the Class4Kids app

This is our booking system and you'll be able to booking extra classes, update your payment information and cancel* all in one place 🙂
(*although we'd rather you stayed)

12 - Put a star on your star chart

You are good to go!
Send us a message or call on 0121 405 1612
Send us a message or call on 0121 405 1612
Free 'What to Wear' Guide for Kids Football!
  • Which Shinpads You Need
  • How To Keep Kids Warm & Dry
  • Solve the Boot/Trainer headache!
  • The SAFEST Goalie Gloves
Your Guide is Ready!
  • Which Shinpads You Need
  • How To Keep Kids Warm & Dry
  • Solve the Boot/Trainer headache!
  • The SAFEST Goalie Gloves